07 April, 2010

Dream Fluff Donuts - Berkeley, CA

We found ourselves in the neighborhood of College & Ashby today, just when we had a hankering for some fried sugar.  The old lady walking out of Dream Fluff on my way in said "Best doughnuts around" and that was enough for me. 

Apple fritter and maple french, both excellent.  The apple fritter was sweet but not sickly-so and even had the hint of apples that most don't.  The maple french was eggy and delicate; its maple frosting seemed a bit canned though.  There's always room for improvement! 

With doughnuts if the consistency is on I can deal with a sub-par frosting.  Aside from fresh dough-doughs this place also serves up sandwiches and fried chicken.  I'm lovin' the old sign.

In our next posting Team Bloughnut tries out his own Whirley-Pop home coffee roaster.....with extremely mixed results.

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